Hi there!

I am WinnerWind, and am very pleased to meet you!

About myself.

I am from India, speak and type fluent English. I love music, play guitar and am learning to draw! I am learning Japanese too, but I am not very good.
Other than that, I am open to chat and get to know you! Looking forward to a reply.My timings and contact are given below, along with some things about me!Merry Christmas!


I live in the I.S.T. (Indian Standard Time) Zone. When it is noon for me, it is
6:30 AM in UTC
8:30 AM in Berlin
2:30 AM in New York City
If you wish to schedule something with me, follow this link and schedule!

Need a quick chat?

Or perhaps a lengthy, in-depth email? My contact details are given below, so that you can quickly message me with whatever it is you need. It does not need to be formal too! I am always open for a nice cup of tea with you.Discord WinnerWind#0041 Open
Email [email protected] Sometimes Active
Reddit WinnerWinds Mostly Inactive
Twitter @Winner_Winds Mostly Inactive
Do note that message response time also depends on my timings